Infection in a woman's reproductive organs. - Mase Kaleby


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Sunday, 18 June 2017

Infection in a woman's reproductive organs.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease PID
Pelvic inflammatory disease, this disease is known as PID, an infection in the female reproductive organs. PID is among the most dangerous diseases have serious consequences for the woman and is transmitted through sexual intercourse.

This disease may lead to serious damage to the uterus, eggs, fallopian tubes or other parts of a woman's fertility
And also Pid is one cause of infertility in women that can be prevented.
Figures show
Each year, more than one million women in the US are not immune to this disease of PID,
As a result more than 100,000 women each year become barren.

Additionally the number of pregnancies over 100000 have stayed in the fallopian tubes (ectopic pregnancy) is associated with the problem of PID.

Prevalence is in young girls
In normal cervix (cervix) prevents bacteria that have entered the vagina they spread out into other parts of the reproductive
If cervix cervix has suffered transmitted diseases like gonorrhea sexual intercourse and / or clamydia
The entrance to maternal cervix is ​​affected and you have a limited capacity
to prevent the spread of bacteria into reproductive parts.

PID occurs when pathogens Traveling from the cervix cervix to the upper part of the uterus.
90 percent of geting treatment PID caused by gonorrhea and chlamydia
Other it courses pid
👉 Abort pregnancy
👉 Test the cervix

Symptoms of PID vary, the following can be
Headache the bottom or right side
👉 vaginal discharge of contaminants unfamiliar with greenish or yellow and sometimes have an odd smell
Nausea and vomiting 👉
👉 Pain during sexual intercourse
👉 Pain during urination
👉 pain on the right side of the upper abdomen

There are some things that keeps the woman in danger of get PID is as follows
1. Women with sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea through sexual intercourse and are highly endangered klaimidia get PID
2. Women who have never had PID are at risk again
3. Young girls are at risk of getting PID than older people.
4. Women with multiple partners are at risk of getting STDs and PID
Some studies indicate intravaginal contributes get PID.

Wash your vaginal (Douching) can lead to bacterial pushing on parts of the reproductive organs and prevent from dirt that a woman could use as a signal to go to meet health professionals early
From / recurrence of PID can lead
possible impairment fallopian tubes, which can lead to
Pregnancy compose the fallopian tubes (ectopic pregnancy)
Pain in cervical
Among women, eight (8) sufferers PID one (1) to be barren

PID can be prevented completely, pid is a major cause of sexually transmitted diseases Factors to consider in order to protect themselves from PID
👉 Avoid having sex with many
👉Use contraceptive method (barrier) as condoms
👉 Use spermicides for all sexual intercourse even if you table contraceptive pills
👉 Do not use IUDs if you promiscuous.

IUDs are imposed objects into the vagina to prevent pregnancy
Get treatment if you notice any symptoms of PID or sexually transmitted diseases like discharge and abnormal vaginal damp, waist pain etc.

👉 also investigating reproductive health regularly so if there is a problem known and  had yet been rolled out and treatment before going on the internal organs of reproduction
Antibiotics are used to treat PID for the original and for the treatment of PID initial oral antibiotics are used.

If the patient has become the biggest problem will be given antibiotics to drink and also the injection, if you are diagnosed with this problem your partner or your partner should be treated even if they have no symptoms, otherwise the problem will be able to repeat a sexual act they share
If the problem persists LARGE monkeys became swollen jock you will have an operation

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